Welcome to the Heart of Being Event and Retreat Page
The Heart of Being
All through the history of mankind there were always seekers, with a longing in the heart to reunite with their essence and to solve the question “Who am I?” Philosophers, mystics, teachers, yogis and many others from various cultures and traditions have been in service to support and guide people to lift the fog of delusion and distraction and to unveil the essence of their Hearts.
The Heart of Being Events consist of gatherings with people who feel a deep longing to discover their innermost heart. Together we enter a field of intimacy with ourselves and others in which we look into the nature of our mind and the distractive invitations of our thoughts. We explore how our projections mislead our judgements and create our daily reality. We will shed light on the limiting effect of our believes that shape our behaviour with ourselves and others.
This truthful look within enables us to get out of any kind of denial which lead us to rediscover the beauty that lies beyond wrong or right. Here we can find rest and a deep compassion for our experience through life. This opens the door to be held and guided from within and strengthen the ability to observe the comings and goings of the thoughts without getting entangled in the traffic of thinking.
These Events are an invitation to feel the joy of self-discovery that needs no external validation, techniques or special program. It seems to be the most difficult task for our mind to accept the simplicity of our nature and the biggest joy for the Heart to express the innocent guidance that is waiting for you to receive. My service is to support you in removing the misunderstandings and to point you back into your Heart’s wisdom.
​Agenda 2024
The next Heart of Being Mini Retreat will take place in Malta (Gozo) from the 10th of October until the 13th of October.
For more Information click here
"Wherever you go, east, west, north or south, think of it as a journey into yourself! The one who travels into itself travels the world."
Shams Tabrizi